. - Hausmynd


Almenningur í Bretlandi reiður.

Ég las aðeins yfir greinarnar í The Sun og Daily Express.  Það sem snerti mig mest voru þó viðbrögð lesenda:

I shall support any party that will leave Europe close our borders and retain our sovereignty

LibLabCon are now indistinguishable euro-wonks. [...] Use your vote and do not vote for the parties that despise you and your country ,namely LIBLABCON .

It's thanks to Teflon Blair and now bungling Brown who have betrayed us all with their lies into a most corrupt institution that was only created to bankroll and fraudulently feather the nests of multinational companies and the MEPs ponces that serves them, all to the detriment of the ordinary citizens of the much wealthier countries of this most corrupt club of nations.

And then the rest of the parties wonder why the BNP are gaining more ground than ever!!! I personally don't like extremes of any kind - neither to the left nor right - but the BNP seems to actually be more in touch with the British population on defending our identity/traditions, etc. If the Labor Party spent as much time in addressing REAL issues as it does in discrediting the BNP, we might actually see the country take a turn for the better.

Do we like this? - NO!

Do we agree with this? - NO!

Were we asked? - NO!

Are we prepared to be walked over? - DEFINITELY NOT!

It is time for action now.

Labour has ket us down, the Lib Dems have let us down, The Conservatives have let us down.

Do we trust them? - NO!

Well folks - why the heck do we keep voting for traitors?

Got the message yet?


mbl.is Bretar ósáttir með „endalok Bretlands“
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1 Smámynd: Loftur Altice Þorsteinsson

Gordom Brown lofaði Bretum þjóðaratkvæði - en það sveik hann auðvitað - enda Sossa-svín. Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir lofar þjóðaratkvæði - en það mun hún auðvitað svíkja - enda Sossa-

Loftur Altice Þorsteinsson, 5.11.2009 kl. 00:31

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Axel Þór Kolbeinsson
Axel Þór Kolbeinsson

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