. - Hausmynd


Ruddalegar be jumping

Fréttin þýdd yfir á ensku með Google translate til skemmtunar:
Google.com people to translate text from one language to another. Such translations should be taken with great prejudice. It is obviously right, that was had by Thorbjorn Brodd son professor earlier in the week, that late would gullaldar text of these translations.

A man who entered the phrase "I am jumping of joy" but was not surprised when the English translation proved to be "Holy shit, I am gay" (Fucking hell, I'm gay).

He decided to try to translate the same sentence over the DA, which was the result "Hold da jeg er Bosse choking" so Google translation was itself here under the silly and declared, with a blot and formælingum, the husband was actually gay and the fair .

When the translation was turned up on Google and written into the phrase "Follow me, I'm gay!" Said the Google immediately in English: "Follow me, I'm gay" (Follow me, I'm gay). Nothing can master Google shrinks from the devotional forms.

To make still trying to hoppið was typed sentence: "This is the jumping rabbit" and then came the translation "This is holy shit Rabbit." The word "jumping" is not for the squeamish and best to let Google do not get clear of it .

Damn Monday
Next, lay directly insert búsáhaldabyltingarinnar best-known slogan, "Goddamn fucking fokk", although certainly there is the slang to discuss and perhaps questionable to make such a trap for the translation program. But Google itself hardly thought about sekúndubrot: "Monday, February fokk." Certainly the things that went in the nerves of protestors on Monday in February as well as on other days, but that's another story and no need of Google to make such an assessment of things.

"Film with Kúlulaksur" was bigger than Google, as well innrættur Inngangur had actually expected. The translation was entirely incomprehensible: "Film with marble Atlantic salmon." Is Google perhaps suggesting that the film was not real? They have just been virtual reality, as in the movie?

mbl.is Ruddalegt að vera hoppandi
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